Why Sauna Improves Athletic Performance and Recovery

Why Sauna Improves Athletic Performance and Recovery

The Spartans, a society that prized physical prowess, took good care of their bodies and knew the benefits of heat for athletic performance and recovery. No wonder, that Laconia (Sparta was the ancient capital of the Laconia region) has been credited for creating a primitive steam bath.

Actually, it was not a steam bath like we know it now, but rather a large cauldron-like vessel designed to hold water. Its brilliance lay in its simplicity and functionality. The process began by filling the Laconia with water. The water for the Laconia bath was heated one of two different ways: 1) by direct coal burning fires, and 2) by heating up rocks in another place and bringing them inside the bath. Fragrant and medicinal herbs like lavender, chamomile, and rosemary were added to the warm water, providing with an aromatic and therapeutic experience. Later, in Greece, bathhouses became an integral part of their culture and were often built in conjunction with athletic fields.

Why Sauna Improves Athletic Performance and Recovery

Sauna can significantly improve athletic performance and recovery, offering a range of many scientifically supported benefits:

Enhanced Endurance and Cardiovascular Health

Regular sauna use can improve cardiovascular functioning by promoting heat acclimation, which enhances the body’s ability to regulate temperature and increases endurance. Sauna heat sends more blood to the heart, leading to an increase in plasma and red blood cell volume. That process delivers more oxygen throughout the body, fueling athletic performance. This adaptation can result in improved performance, especially in endurance sports. For example, a study showed that male runners experienced a 32% increase in run time to exhaustion after regular sauna sessions

Muscle Recovery and Reduced Soreness

The heat from saunas increases blood flow, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to muscles, which aids in quicker recovery. This can reduce muscle soreness and inflammation, making it beneficial after intense workouts. Saunas also promote the release of growth hormone, which is crucial for muscle repair and growth. As more blood flow and oxygen is delivered throughout the body, muscles increase in size and muscle breakdown is diminished. One study showed that two, one-hour sauna sessions for seven days straight increases production of the human growth hormone (HGH) by two to five times.

Improved Flexibility and Joint Mobility

Saunas can increase tissue elasticity and joint mobility, reducing the risk of strains and sprains. The heat exposure helps relax muscles and improve range of motion, making it easier to perform stretching exercises and athletic activities

Mental Clarity and Stress Relief

Sauna sessions can release endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals, helping to reduce stress and improve mental clarity. This mental boost can be particularly beneficial for athletes, enhancing focus and overall well-being


Immune System Boost

Regular sauna use can strengthen the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells. This effect helps athletes fend off infections, particularly during periods of intense training

Incorporating saunas into an athletic routine, whether post-workout or on rest days, can provide a valuable edge in both physical and mental aspects of performance. It is essential, however, to stay hydrated and listen to your body to avoid overheating and other potential risks.
