Sauna hacks for your sauna sessions

Sauna hacks for your sauna sessions

Your wellness journey starts from sauna! So, gonna have a sauna session? Here are the sauna hacks how to get the most of it. If to paraphrase the famous “no pain, no gain” we’ll get “no sweat, no bet”, or “no steam, no dream”, or … whatever suits you best.

Now seriously, transforming your backyard into a haven of health and happiness with a freestanding outdoor sauna, or adding a barrel sauna to your Ontario cottage, or simply renting a sauna, can dramatically improve your health and change your lifestyle. Imagine the relaxation and rejuvenation you’ll experience, not to mention the impressive health benefits.

Discover the joy of regular sauna sessions and let every visit be a step towards a healthier, happier you. Dive into the warmth, feel the stress melt away, and bask in the glow of good health. Let’s sweat then!

Big health benefits of a 20-min sauna session!

When you get into a sauna habit you won’t get out of it, ever! Because sauna has the incredible health benefits and can dramatically improve your health – the sauna way! 

What you can expect from your sauna session? Here:

  • Improved blood circulation to feed and nourish every sell of your body.
  • Clarity of your mind, reduced stress, and improved concentration in a tranquil, heat-filled haven.
  • Pain relief for your sore muscles and joints because sauna melts away tension and inflammation
  • Radiant and clear skin as the sauna’s heat purifies and rejuvenates.
  • Boosted metabolism and lost pounds, effortlessly, without moving a finger, just while you relax.
  • Better sleep thanks to the sauna’s soothing heat.

So, elevate your health and happiness with regular sauna sessions! Don’t wait! Step into the warmth and let the magic begin.

How to make the most of your sauna session

1. Start with basics

As we said – start with basics. Basics are called “basics” because you can’t enjoy your sauna session without them. So, the basics are:

  • The bucket (or ladle) is essential for holding water that you will want to use in order to produce steam during your sauna session.
  • A sauna towel that should absorb sweat well and be approximately of 2m in length
  • A hat (felled hat is the best option) to protect your hair from the extreme heat
  • Shower sandals for your safety and comfort
  • Sauna brush – the skin exfoliation tool. Brushing your skin in the sauna helps remove dead skin cells, improve circulation, and leave your skin feeling smooth and rejuvenated.
2. Use a whisk

To use a whisk or not to use – it’s up to you. It’s not a must-have sauna accessory, but many people don’t visit sauna without it. Traditionally, whisks are made of tree twigs (birch, oak, or eucalyptus) to gently beat or massage the body. Using whisks is thought to help reduce muscle pain, improve blood circulation, and soften the skin. And they double the fun too!

3. Eliminate the guesswork

Keep an eye on your time and temperature in the sauna as well as the level of humidity. Keeping track of time to avoid staying in the sauna for too long is very important, especially if you’re new to it. There are three must-have accessories: 1) a timer to monitor how long you sit inside; 2) a thermometer to see how hot that air around you actually is; 3) a hygrometer to measure the humidity and adjust it as necessary.

4. Drink water for hydration

Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your sauna session to stay hydrated and help your body detoxify effectively. Don’t drink alcohol because it dries you up, no kidding. A glass of beer is allowed.

5. Don’t jump the gun, start slow

If you’re new to saunas, begin with shorter sessions of 10-15 minutes and gradually increase the duration as your body acclimates.

6. Warm up in a dry sauna first

Warm up in a dry sauna for up to 10 minutes without adding humidity. Then exit the sauna for a short while. Re-enter the sauna for another 10 minutes or so. For this second visit, you can add steam by ladling water onto the sauna rocks.

7. Use a headrest

A headrest is another piece of the must-have accessories to enhance your sauna experience. It allows you to comfortably rest your head while the sauna does its magic.

8. No big meals!

Don’t eat a large meal prior to using a sauna.

9. Enter and exit quickly

Saunas are built airtight to keep the heat inside. Opening the door releases the heat and should be done promptly.

10. Cool down properly

After your sauna session, take a cool shower or step outside to help regulate your body temperature.

11. Incorporate aromatherapy

Add a few drops of essential oils like eucalyptus or lavender to enhance the relaxing and therapeutic effects of your sauna experience.

12. Enjoy the company

Share the bliss with the people you love: it doubles the pleasure. Saunas are a great way to bond with family and friends. Invite your loved ones for a shared, relaxing experience.

13. Or enjoy the silence

Use your sauna time to disconnect from technology and enjoy some peaceful, undisturbed moments. However, music is not forbidden.

14. Create a ritual

Make your sauna sessions a regular part of your routine to fully enjoy the long-term health benefits.

15. Stay consistent

Aim for 1-2 sauna sessions per week to maintain the health benefits and keep your body in top shape.

16. Plunge in cold water or not?

To plunge or not to plunge in cold water? That is the question. The Finnish sauna session often ends with a plunge in cold (even freezing) water. It may not be good for everyone. For many, it’s better to let the body temperature return to normal gradually.

17. Listen to your body

If you start feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or uncomfortable, exit the sauna immediately and cool down. It’s a good idea to talk with your doctor before using a sauna, especially if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or abnormal heart rhythm. If you have any of these health conditions, limit your sauna use to five minutes per session, and make sure to cool down slowly. And last but not least: never let you fall asleep in a sauna.

Dive into the age-old tradition of sauna bathing and unlock a healthier, happier you.