Maintain Your 100% Wooden Outdoor Hot Tub with TLC and Smile

Maintain Your 100% Wooden Outdoor Hot Tub with TLC and Smile

Ah, the joy of soaking in your 100% wooden outdoor hot tub! It’s like having a private, rustic oasis where you can relax under the stars, sip a glass of wine, and let all your worries melt away. But to keep this wooden wonder in pristine condition, a little maintenance is key. Don’t worry; maintaining your hot tub can be just as satisfying as soaking in it! 

Maintaining your 100% wooden outdoor hot tub might sound like a chore, but with a bit of care and attention, it can be a fun and rewarding part of your hot tub experience. Think of it as bonding time with your tub – a little TLC for the vessel that gives you so much joy. Here’s a fun and informative guide to keeping your wooden hot tub looking and feeling its best. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your favorite wooden tub cleaner, and dive into maintenance with a smile. After all, a well-cared-for hot tub means many more relaxing soaks in your future!

How to Maintain Your 100% Wooden Outdoor Hot Tub

A Fun (but Serious) Guide to Keeping Your Hot Tub in Tip-Top Shape

Water, Water, Everywhere – but Not Too Much!

Wooden hot tubs thrive on water, but too much of a good thing can lead to trouble. The wood naturally expands when wet and contracts when dry, which can cause cracks if not properly managed. To keep your hot tub in perfect harmony:

  • Fill ‘Er Up (But Not Too Full!): Ensure your hot tub is filled to the recommended level. Overfilling can cause unnecessary pressure on the wood, while underfilling can expose the wood to air and lead to drying out.
  • Drain and Refill: It’s good practice to drain and refill your hot tub every three to four months. This keeps the water fresh and prevents buildup of contaminants. Plus, it’s a great excuse to give your tub a good scrub!
Scrub-a-Dub-Dub, Let’s Clean That Tub!

Keeping your wooden hot tub clean isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s essential for longevity. Here’s how to make cleaning a breeze:

  • Gentle Cleaners Are Your Friends: Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the wood. Instead, use a mild soap and a soft brush to gently scrub away any dirt or algae. Think of it as giving your tub a spa day!
  • Don’t Forget the Filters: Clean your filters regularly to keep the water circulating properly and to prevent debris from clogging up the works. A clean filter is like a breath of fresh air for your hot tub.
Seal the Deal

Wood loves to absorb water, but too much absorption can lead to swelling and rot. To keep your tub in tip-top shape, a little protection goes a long way:

  • Oil It Up: Treat the exterior of your wooden hot tub with a high-quality wood oil or sealant. This not only protects the wood from the elements but also brings out its natural beauty. Think of it as your hot tub’s moisturizer!
  • Check for Cracks and Leaks: Inspect the wood regularly for cracks or leaks. If you find any, don’t panic! A bit of wood filler or a professional repair can save the day.
Temperature Control: Hot, But Not Too Hot!

While your hot tub is all about heat, keeping the temperature in check is crucial for both your comfort and the wood’s well-being.

  • Ideal Temperature: Keep the water temperature around 100-104°F (37-40°C). Higher temperatures can accelerate wood decay and make soaking uncomfortable.
  • Cover Up: When not in use, cover your hot tub to keep the heat in and debris out. It’s like tucking your tub in for a good night’s sleep!
Love the Bubbles, But Not the Chemicals

Chemical balance is essential for safe soaking, but too many chemicals can harm the wood.

  • Natural Alternatives: Consider using natural alternatives to traditional chemicals. Bromine and mineral-based sanitizers are gentler on the wood than chlorine. Plus, they’re kinder to your skin!
  • Test the Waters: Regularly check the pH and alkalinity levels of your hot tub water. The ideal pH range is 7.2-7.8. Too high or too low, and you’ll have a wood and skin dilemma!
Seasonal TLC

Different seasons bring different challenges. Give extra thoughtful attention to your wooden hot tub, your “Tender Loving Care.” Keep your hot tub happy all year round and it will make you happy too.

  • Winter Wonders: Generally, Ontario winters are cold, consider winterizing your hot tub if you’re not using it. Drain the water, clean the tub, and cover it securely. Alternatively, keep the water circulating to prevent freezing.
  • Summer Lovin’: In the summer, be mindful of the heat. Keep the cover slightly open during the day to prevent overheating, and ensure the water level is maintained.

So, maintaining your 100% wooden outdoor hot tub can be a breeze with a few practical tips! First, keep your water balanced – regularly check pH and sanitizer levels to keep things clean and cozy. Next, give your filters some love; a quick rinse or replacement keeps water flowing smoothly. Don’t forget to drain and refill every few months to refresh your tub’s vibe.

Treat the wood like royalty with a quality oil or sealant to protect it from the elements. And remember, a good cover is your hot tub’s best friend, keeping debris out and heat in. Whether it’s a sunny summer day or a chilly winter night, a little TLC goes a long way in keeping your wooden tub looking great and ready for a relaxing soak. So dive into maintenance with a smile -your hot tub will thank you!