How to Install a Barrel Sauna Yourself: A DIY Guide

How to Install a Barrel Sauna Yourself: A DIY Guide

Want to make your hands sweaty and dirty with your barrel sauna installation? Here’s a streamlined guide to get you from boxed parts to steamy bliss in no time.

Installing a sauna yourself might come with its fair share of hiccups, but it also comes with bragging rights and some pretty hilarious memories. So, here’s to you, the brave soul who took on the sauna challenge and lived to laugh about it!

First Things First – Pro Tips
  • Read the Manual: It’s your best friend during this process.
  • Extra Hands: A friend can make assembly easier and more fun.
  • Stay Organized: Keep screws and small parts in labeled containers.
  • Take Your Time: Rushing can lead to mistakes.
So, Here We Go: Quick Step-by-Step Guide to Installing a Barrel Sauna
Choose Your Location
  • Find a Level Spot: Make sure it’s flat and has good drainage.
  • Proximity to Power: Ensure it’s close to an electrical source if using an electric heater.
Prepare the Foundation

Concrete Slab/Gravel Bed: Create a solid, level base. If using an existing deck, ensure it’s sturdy and level.

Unpack and Organize
  • Check Inventory: Lay out all parts and verify against the instruction manual.
  • Gather Tools: Have your hammer, screwdriver, wrench, level, and tape measure ready.
Assemble the Base
  • Lay Down Floor Supports: Place them according to the instructions.
  • Level the Base: Use a level to ensure it’s perfectly even.
Construct the Barrel
  • Install Staves: Start from the bottom, placing the wooden slats (staves) around the base. Tighten them gradually.
  • Add End Walls: Attach the front and back walls securely.
Install Benches and Heater
  • Attach Benches: Follow the manual to position and secure the benches.
  • Install Heater: Position and secure the heater, following all safety guidelines.
Fit the Door
  • Check Alignment: Ensure the door is level and opens/closes smoothly.
Seal the Exterior
  • Apply Sealant: Protect the wood with a weather-resistant sealant.
  • Install Vents: Make sure they are properly positioned for airflow.
Final Checks
  • Inspect Everything: Double-check all connections and fittings.
  • Test the Sauna: Fire up the heater and ensure everything is working perfectly.
The Hilarious Misadventures of DIY Sauna Installation

So, you’ve decided to skip the professionals and take on the noble quest of installing your own barrel sauna. Congratulations! Here’s a sneak peek into the hilarity that awaits you.

Day 1: The Great Unboxing

You open the boxes and lay out all the parts. It looks like you’ve ordered a flat-pack version of Noah’s Ark. You’ve got staves, benches, screws, and something that looks suspiciously like a piece from a medieval catapult.

Pro Tip: Take a deep breath. Those mysterious parts will make sense soon. Probably.

Day 2: The Foundation Fiasco

You’ve chosen the perfect spot and are ready to create a solid base. Gravel is scattered, concrete is mixed, and you’ve built what can only be described as a lopsided sandcastle.

Helpful Hint: Use a level. Eyeballing it might leave you with a sauna that feels like it’s on the Titanic.

Day 3: The Stave Struggle

It’s time to assemble the wooden staves. You start strong, but halfway through, you realize you’ve created a wooden spiral instead of a neat circle. Your neighbors are now watching, possibly taking bets on when you’ll give up.

Expert Advice: Keep the staves snug and even. And remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your sauna.

Day 4: Bench Building Bonanza

You’re putting in the benches, feeling confident. But somehow, you end up with one bench that’s perfectly level and another that’s at a jaunty angle. It’s like a funhouse in there!

Pro Tip: Measure twice, screw once. Or, you know, measure at least once.

Day 5: Heater Hijinks

Installing the heater is a delicate task. You’ve read the manual three times, but it still looks like hieroglyphics. You finally get it in place, and the moment you light it, you realize you forgot to install the ventilation. Cue the indoor smoke signal.

Safety Tip: Ventilation is not optional unless you want your sauna to double as a smokehouse.

Day 6: Door Drama

The door is the final piece. You’ve saved it for last because, really, how hard can a door be? Turns out, quite hard. You’ve installed it upside down twice, and it still won’t close properly.

Final Advice: If the door swings freely and doesn’t require a shove worthy of a linebacker, you’re golden.

Day 7: Victory (Sort of)

You step back and admire your work. Sure, the door’s a bit wonky, and there’s a slight lean to the left, but it’s standing. You’ve done it! Your backyard now boasts a genuine, handmade-by-you barrel sauna. You celebrate with a well-deserved, slightly smoky sauna session, feeling like the DIY champion you are.


Once it’s all set up, reward yourself with a well-deserved sauna session. Enjoy your new backyard retreat!