Backyard sheds give individuals the option to be creative with their shed space and storage. Most people think that they’re purchasing a shed just to store their seasonal lawn mower, but there is so much more that meets the eye on why someone may want and need a backyard shed. They can be used for anything imaginable and can really expand your day-to-day routine.  

We’ve constructed a list of 10 ways to get the most out of your backyard shed – specifically smaller sheds with 8×12 dimensions.  

What will you be using your Sauna Depot shed for?  

  1. Garden Tool Storage 

Say goodbye to wandering around and looking for that missing tool and say hello to organization at its finest with a shed that is perfect for storing all your handy garden tools. Having all your tools accessible and properly placed will create a safe space for all the necessary equipment needed to keep your backyard clean and green.  

  1. Dog Kennel 

If you want to give your dog more opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, a dog kennel shed is a terrific solution. You can turn your shed into a luxury doghouse, allowing the animal to have its food, water, and toys while enjoying the fresh air outside. Additionally, you can insulate the walls to regulate the temperature and give your dog the vital access to go in and out of the shed for exercise space.  

  1. Firewood Storage 

Do you have a fire pit in your backyard? A place to store fresh wood safely from Canadian weather is a firewood shed. This shed allows your wood to burn cleaner and hotter, as it is protected from soaking rains and snow all year long.  

  1. Writing Or Art Studio  

Let your creative juices flow with a custom quiet space in your backyard shed. Feel free to add a homey rug, a chair and desk, and some lighting for the ultimate studio experience. Dedicate your hobbies to an area just a few steps from your home and emerge in the nature that inspires your next project.  

  1. Backyard Office 

Make business a pleasure with a unique home office sure to inspire your ‘work from home’ attitude. A backyard office offers flexibility, convenience, and privacy. This allows you to move your operations into a more creative space, while enjoying the nature at hand. An office desk, chair, and lights are the perfect accessories to fit into any backyard office shed from Sauna Depot.  

  1. Bicycle Storage 

Let’s face it, the garage just doesn’t have enough space anymore and it’s time to look for alternative measures when it comes to storing your bicycle equipment. Enjoy a garage with less clutter and more parking space when you have a place to store all your bikes right in your backyard. Not to mention, it’s a great space to protect your bicycles from any theft and damage.  

  1. Pool House 

A pool house shed is one of our most common shed purchases. It’s an excellent resource for storing pool toys, pool cleaning tools, and any other pool related materials. It can as well be used as a changing room for you and your guests – making it convenient for all.  

  1. Patio Furniture Storage 

With heavy rain, falling leaves, and brutal winter weather, having a place to store your seasonal items should be a top priority for any homeowner. Leaving your patio furniture exposed and shed free to these conditions can cause the furniture to tear, darken, and damage overtime.  

  1. Children’s Playhouse  

A children’s playhouse shed from Sauna Depot is a great place for creating memories with your kids in their personal playground area. Not only does it help engage their imagination and playing skills, but it as well keeps your house cleaner and less cluttered.  

  1. Animal Feeding Storage 

If you have a farm with farm animals, having an animal feeding storage shed is a great place to protect your food from outside creatures and unnecessary moisture. You can speed up your chores and use it for storing food, toys, or any other farm related tools.  

To Conclude 

Now that we’ve provided you with a list of 10 creative ways to use your backyard shed, we’re sure there are more ideas popping away.  

Sauna Depot has extensive inventory of portable sheds and bunkies that can work perfectly for any of these usages, and so much more. Call us at 416-455-9955 to get your storage shed today.